Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Rose Blanche by Christopher Gallaz and Roberto Innocenti

This was also a great book to use to bring up conversations about the war. It was a hard book to read as are many books about the Hollocaust. Questions about how the girl is holding a Nazi flag in parts of the book but also shown giving the children at the concentration camps food is hard to comprehend. I didn't learn about the Hollocaust until I was in eighth grade and I remember when I learned about it being shocked that this had happened in our history. I think that this book is a good one to use to tell some of the history of World War II but not so overwhelming for children at young ages. I am not against teaching children about the Hollocaust in younger grades, but some of the books and movies I read and watched throughout high school and college may be too much for children in elementary schools.


  1. I think that this book is a great tool for talking to kids about the atrocities of war, abd I agree with you, sometimes there is a line where it is too much. But I also believe that there is no room to hide kids from the truth; it's going to be hard learning about some things for the first time, no matter what age you are, but coming back I think this book is very good for first time learning about these kind of topics and opening up a very honest conversation with kids.

  2. Would it have been less of a shock for you if the holocaust was something that you knew about from a young age? The holocaust is something that I grew up hearing about and yes, it is horrible but it was never shocking to me in that sense because these were stories that were a part of me from a young age. I think it made it easier to understand because I had heard about it early on. I think it is important to talk about tough issues to help children develop compassion. I also think that the idea that they don’t know that bad things happen unless we tell them is a little insulting to their intelligence. I definitely agree with you that some things that we see or talk about in class might be too much, but I also think to a certain extent it is okay to make kids upset; these things should be upsetting.
