Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Somebody and the Three Blairs by Marilyn Tolhurst

This story was about a family who decides to go to the park for the day and while they are gone a “somebody” who is shown as a little bear comes into their home and makes himself at home. He eats the breakfast on the table, plays with the little boys toys, and even takes a nap in his crib. When the Blair’s arrive home from the park they find their home a disaster. They finally find the bear in the little boys crib but are unable to catch him before he runs out the window. This book is an interesting alternative because when I first picked up the book I read the title as the three “bears” from habit but found on the first page the family’s last name was Blair. It is a great book to turn the story around and see that the little bear is the one breaking into the house opposed to the little girl. This book is also intended for younger audiences with a lot of the text being repetitive and several of the words being repeated throughout the book.

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